God-Sized-Dreams-by-Holley-Gerth-cover-662x1024When I began this blog, just one year ago today, I wasn’t sure anyone would read it. I was nervous about uncovering who I am as a person. I made the decision to communicate my heart and forge ahead.

As a young teenager, I remember watching a rerun of an old talk show with my mom. Judy Garland was the guest. With a smile on her face, she walked over to the microphone and began to sing for the whole world to see. I immediately began to weep. I looked at my mother and said, “I’m going to do that someday.”

Although I am a musical individual, I never seriously considered pursuing music professionally as part of my dream. I did learn to play piano and lead worship for church. I’ve spent many years doing what I told my mother I would do. However, God did it in a different way than that dreamy-eyed fourteen year old girl who stayed up late watching reruns with her mother thought He would.

God reminded me of that story as I was thinking and dreaming of what might eventually happen through my blog and books. I’m not exactly sure where I will end up or how large of a “platform” I might build (By the way, I’m beginning to dislike the word platform.) But there is one thing I do know…

This desire that I have to write and encourage was placed inside me by the creator of my soul. Whether I write for one or one million, the glory is His and the reward the same.  He knows each tiny intricacy about me including the number of hairs on my head. And He knows exactly where I am going with this ministry. I just need to be obedient and trust.

Wherever you are in your life, you need to trust in that also. Holley Gerth explains in her Book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream, that our dreams aren’t about us. She is right! It’s all about the One who gave us the dreams. Where does He want us to go? Why does He want us to go there? The answers found in those questions should be the force to propel us onward.

Sometimes, grandiose visions of greener grass interfere with our abilities to do the work Christ has called us to do. I don’t want that to happen to my ministry and dream. And trust me; you don’t want it to happen to yours either.

God has a plan and purpose for your gifts. Keep reaching for them and pursuing the desires He has placed within you. Know that as long as you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land, regardless of where that land is. He has your back! He does!

As I journey on toward more blogging and the release of my next book about my journey through a fifteen year struggle with infertility, stillbirth and miscarriage, I’m going to  keep my eyes not on where I want to go, but where He wants me to go.

And whatever dreams you are pursuing in your lives, I want you to do the same. He loves you wholly with a holy kind of love. It’s beautiful, precious, and hope-filled.  Keep marching on while staying careful to remember He is the only prize you need. Allow Him to use the dreams He placed within you the way He chooses to use them.

Stay focused and keep dreaming!

The winner of the Holley Gerth books is… Bev!!!!

Congratulations! You will receive an email from me today!


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