Today is five minute Friday with Lisa-Jo Baker. If you want to know what Five Minute Friday is and how you can participate in today’s writing exercise… just click here. The prompt this week is the word she.

grace in princess dress blog picShe is a little girl who was sent for a purpose much larger than she will ever know. For years she only lived in my dreams, my prayers, and angry screams to a God who seemed silent.

There was one before her…

CourtneyStone_W-FlowersThere was one who I named years before she was ever conceived. And that little girl is the one who lived in the perfect picture of my family. But my first baby girl could not stay. He took her home. And the heart that used to beat soundly and securely in my chest was abandoned of consistent rhythm.

But Christ in all His glory wrecked me with grace…

When I suffered, He comforted.

When I cried, He caught the tears inside the scars on His hands.

When I prayed, He restored joy. Restoration came before she was born. Even when I wasn’t sure there would ever be another.

He sent her not to replace who was lost, but to show me what can be found in Him.

All glory and honor belongs to the Only One mighty to save.

Will I ever be able to explain in words what a gift she is? I don’t know if it’s possible. But God in all His magnificence used new life to help mend one of the last broken pieces in my heart.

I’ve been healed through Grace…

Grace and I at disney for blog photoHave a blessed weekend!



PS: If you would like to receive my new eBook Mercy Waits for free, click here for information.





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