Right now, in the next room, my husband and children are playing the card game “Go-Fish.” As I’m typing, I’m listening to explanations of why the kids don’t want to hand over their fish. My husband is explaining, “If you have the card I ask for, then you have to give it to me.” Sammy just said, “But I like Nemo. I don’t want to give him up!” and then the tears begin rolling.
I bet you know what is coming next. Oh yeah, leave it to me to make a spiritual analogy out of this… Are you ready?
I can think of many times when God asked me to hand over something in my life to Him, and I held on, wanting to keep it, not willing to surrender.
It hurts to give it all away. To trust an unseen God with a tangible circumstance is a painful process. And yet it’s the only choice we have…
Life can seem like waiting in a holding pattern. We circle, and circle again before we land in our destination. Sometimes, God is waiting for us to relinquish to His plan before He will unlock the next door in our lives.
We have free will and free choice, yet, isn’t it ironic how sometimes our “free” will leads us to chains.
I have something I’m working to let go of right now. Do you? If so, what do you say we let it go together?
I’m going to pray and ask the Lord to help me give Him my situation. I don’t want to hold on to it anymore. Every time I think about my circumstance, I’m going to repeat the process of asking the Lord to heal me of the hurt until it’s a done deal. Through this process I know He will comfort me and eventually my issues will be resolved.
Our free will has the ability to lead us into freedom or chains. I’m choosing freedom!
Go ahead, hand over Nemo!
Start the process of unlocking your chains today!
lots of truth here in this behind the scenes!! 🙂 I love how much my kids teach me about spiritual things! such great lessons to be found in a game of “go fish!”
It’s amazing how God can speak to us through the actions of our children! Thanks for reading, Julie! Have a wonderful day!
I LOVE that you made a spiritual analogy out of that. 🙂 Such truth…I’m too good at holding onto things that should be handed to Him. Yes, let’s let these things go together. Love your heart, friend…thank you!
Letting go can be so difficult, but it is where freedom starts. Thanks for reading, Friend. And, thank you for all of your beautiful encouragement!
oh, yes.. i’ve been that little child clutching my nemo cards far too often – how i want a heart to trust Him more. thanks for sharing! i love when people take the ordinary every day and see God in it.
happy friday~