Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I’ve thought of you often but was so busy preparing for the holiday that I didn’t have a minute to write. When the last of the family exited the front door, I found myself in a food coma. And, since I cooked enough for an army, I’m not sure it’s over. (Especially since I’m feeling a magnetic pull to the apple raspberry cobbler in the refrigerator.) However, right now, while I’m free from the sugar high and carbohydrate overload, I thought I would drop a line to say hello and tell you about my weekend.
I was so tired that I skipped out on the Black Friday madness this year. My husband couldn’t keep himself away from all the deals, so he fought the crowds and came home feeling empowered by saving nearly tens of cents.
I, on the other hand, was perfectly content to stay home in my fleece pajamas and finish reading The Book Thief. I highly recommend it. It is a holocaust book, so tears are inevitable. I must tell you there is some crass language in it, but it is brilliantly written and thought provoking. I can’t wait to see the movie!
Today, we took the twins to see Disney’s Frozen. If you can, go see it! You won’t be disappointed! There is something about singing and ice skating that takes me back to my childhood where I spent every Friday evening in front of the television watching The Donny and Marie Show. And, yes, I do realize I just lost some of your respect. Blame my mother; she let me watch it!
I bet you are on the edge of your seat reading about how exciting my life has been over the Thanksgiving weekend. What can I say? I praise the Lord for Books and fleece pajamas, which happens to be a great segue into news that just might make you a little more interested in this post. I have a Christmas giveaway coming up! I will be announcing the details on Monday, so stay tuned!
I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday weekend. You are loved by Christ; your life is beautiful and meant to be lived to glorify Him. May He have a seat at your table this season and be the most honored of all!