I’m looking out my window at the falling snow. This time last week I was on a beach in Mexico watching the Caribbean Sea. Regardless of my location, I’m still hearing the same gentle whispers deep in my soul – Change is coming…
Three years ago God altered my path. He told me it was time to move on from something I loved and wait on Him. Gee, waiting, everyone’s favorite thing to do! After some time passed I began this blog and since then I feel as if I’ve started breathing again. My soul has reawakened.
At the time of change I felt completely uprooted and out of sorts. When it comes to attending church, I cannot just sit in the pew. I need to serve in some type of capacity. My spirit cries out for it. And though I knew I was listening to what God wanted me to do, my heart wasn’t beating in rhythm. I felt displaced and hurt.
Growing hurts. When my oldest son was little, every time he went through a growth spurt his ankles would cause him excruciating pain. He would wake up at night from a sound sleep with tears pouring down his cheeks. And much like physical growing pains, spiritual ones hurt also. In fact, sometimes they hurt worse.
I often feel like God is pushing me from behind to my next place in life. The whispers in my soul become so gripping I can’t ignore the new steps I have to take. I find myself tackling projects I would have never done before. And then I look back and see God’s fingerprints all over them. All over me.
Regardless of the growing pains, God is sovereign and His work in our lives is for a great purpose. He longs to use our lives as vessels.
If you are in a season of waiting where you feel hurt or wronged in some way, don’t allow it to stunt the process of your growth. God has something beautiful for you. Present your all to Him with clean hands and a humble heart and watch what He does in your life. His fingerprints will be all over you and your soul will reawaken. Trust me, I know.
God is good and His mercies are new every morning. He has a plan to work through your life that will give you hope and freedom from pain. You have an opportunity to touch lives around you with wholeness of heart and newness of life. Even if you don’t see it yet, you will. Your door is opening and your future is bright.
I feel another change coming my way. I’m excited to hold on tight to my savior as He leads and I follow.
What about you? Are you in a season of waiting? Are you growing? Is change coming?
Yes, I’ve been in a season of waiting on God. I’ve had to lay down a few things, nearly stop writing and step out of certain ministry assignments. I know God is preparing me for the next step on my journey, but the waiting can be hard at times. Thank you for sharing and have a beautiful weekend!
Thanks, Barbie. I’m praying for you as you wait!
Jennifer- as always your words are an encouragement! I appreciate that you are always opening your heart wide and letting Jesus pour out. I look forward to traveling this journey of change alongside of you and the others in this big, blog community!
Thank you, Shannon. Your words mean so much to me!
I sure can identify! Growth is not fun. Nor is it easy. But wow when the soul and spirit beat in sync again! It’s like having your baby in your arms after delivery!
That is a perfect analogy, Lisa! So true!