I was told my test would become my testimony. Throughout my trial the most popular Christian saying seemed to be, “God will use this!” I would politely nod my head and smile. I was careful to put on a faith routine to make the encourager feel better about pouring into my life. I would look inside their eyes and allow my lips to utter a resounding, “Amen!” It was fake faith at its best.
I think you feel the same at times. As I sit here behind my keyboard telling you everything will be okay and pointing you in the direction of your Bible, I bet there have been moments you’ve quickly clicked the X on the top right hand corner of your screen. I get it. It’s okay. Sometimes, everyone needs to click the X. Oftentimes, we need to “X” out everyone in order to hear the only voice that counts.
You must be thinking, “There she goes again, she is going to send us to the Bible and assure us we will make it through this mess.” If you are, you are very perceptive.
The reason I know how you feel is because I’ve been where you are. It’s true. The circumstances you are facing may look very different than mine did, but I know what it is to suffer. I understand waiting. And I more than understand the anger that comes with waiting.
Through my 15 year battle, I pretty much lived every day hoping to make it to the next without drowning in my own tears. I worked hard to take all the right steps such as read my Bible, go to church, and serve others. I sought God continuously, which is why anger would overwhelm me when it seemed as if He stood by and watched me hurt.
But do you know what? Every step I took over that 15 year period of pain, each tear and new heartbreak, led me straight into the arms of Jesus. He taught me, planted seeds of hope, and began to cultivate dreams I didn’t even know existed inside me.
And those people who worked their hardest to speak light into my life, they were right! My test has become my testimony and God did use it all for good. (Romans 8:28)
What I want to speak to you today is this: Be careful about dismissing those who speak encouragement into your life. All those people want to do is speak light into your darkness. And, if you are ever going to make it out of the darkness, you need some light!
Yes, Jesus is the light and He is the light inside the tunnel, not just at the end. However, we often live with blind faith. In the midst of despair it’s very difficult to see His light. Regardless of whether you recognize it or not, you desperately need those who care enough to speak light around you – to speak love. God will use them in your life.
I used to deafen the voices of Christian hope, because I was tired of hearing what was promised to come instead of experiencing it right at that moment. I needed more, and only God was capable of giving it.
I have some news. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, all those words spoken to me were a gift. Little by little God rained them in my heart, like grace.
Take it from me; NEVER deafen the voices of hope. He will use them to help mend your brokenness. The grace of the Lord will carry you from one day to the next. You will make it; your test will become your testimony.
Let the words of hope from precious people shine light in your life.
Tell me, do you hear the voices of hope speaking or are you guilty, like I was, of discounting their worth?
I’m praying for you!
Today, I’m linking up with Holley Gerth for Coffee for Your Heart.
Wow! That was so powerful and close to home. Thank you for the blessing of this message. I have felt this way many times before and felt that I was so wrong to have those feelings. Thank you for your honesty Jen. It is an encouragement.
You are welcome. It can be so hard to combat emotions during difficult times. Often, our first instincts are to cast off those who are trying to help with words of encouragement. Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day!
Amen! In reading your post, I realized how many times I did not immediately recognize the light & hope spoken into my life. Sometimes I had to get alone & think about what was shared & then the light bulb came on 🙂 Much truth in this post! So glad I stopped here today from Words of Life Wed. Blessings!!
Thanks for reading, Joanne! Blessings to you today!
I loved this. I so agree with your words. I love the refreshment in what you write. Beautiful reminder to. I especially loved how you talked about how your 15 year battle continued to lead you into the arm of Jesus
Thank you, Jenn!
Guilty as charged! I roll my eyes sometimes when people say the same thing. I am learning to put my FULL faith in God. I don’t think it’s the test of our hardships, I think it’s the test of faith. Do we stay in faith everyday? Some days I’d say yes, other days not so much. But I am trying.
Thank you for reading, Jeri. It is about faith (Hebrews 11:1) while learning to become desperate for all He has and that means living through the battles.
Jennifer, thanks for letting your little light shine through this encouraging post. We are in a valley season, and I am thankful for sisters who have made it through to the other side and are holing out hope to us.
Hello, I just said a prayer for you. I pray this season is short and you find comfort and peace in all Christ wants to do through you. Keep on keeping on, sweet sister!
Jennifer- I so appreciate your words of hope and honesty in times where we see no end to our struggle. I have also been there and hope in the character of God and who I know Him to be is what saw me thru.
Thank you, Amy. It’s so important to recognize what and who He sends to comfort us throughout our struggles. He sends grace in such subtle ways. We really need to keep our eyes open to be aware. He is faithful!
I’m so glad your honest too! Together we can tear down the barriers that prevent openness in communication, honesty and will ultimately allow the body be the body. If one of us is suffering then maybe one day soon we will know how to get past the canned answers to really minister into the disappointments devastations and deserts of life. Keep going my friend
Thank you, Lisa!
Jennifer, thank you so much for linking up at Words of Life Wednesdays!
Your words were such an encouragement to me. We truly need other Christians to speak light and hope into us when we are discouraged. We need each other, even when we don’t realize. I am so thankful that there are those who never give up shining the light to help see through to the hope. May God be glorified.
I am so glad to meet you!
Thank you, Rebekah!
so true…each heart knows its own bitterness…but well meaning love and comfort of others while sometimes trite may be just what we need. we are often quick to dismiss something because we think someone doesn’t understand themselves..when we really know very little about their own personal pain/experiences and struggles. thanks for the thoughts
Hi Somer. I find that the hand of grief touches us all in one way or another. Though we might not be fighting the exact same battles, we are fighting something at some time. We need to learn to accept and give encouragement. We are the hands and feet of Christ ,and He will use us and others to send grace through trials. Thank you so much for reading today!