tell your storyHi, friend! My blogging schedule has been a little off lately. I’m heavily involved in Vacation Bible School ministry right now, and the kids are home from school. Keeping up is challenging.

In my little part of the world, we are experiencing thunderstorm after thunderstorm. Our power went out in the middle of the night and didn’t return until late this afternoon. I packed up the kids and away we went to Panera Bread for breakfast and then to do some shopping. These littles are growing like weeds!

After we finished shopping, I allowed them to play in the mall playground. As they played I checked my phone only to find out that Elisabeth Elliot had passed from this world to heaven. I tried to brush away the tears that kept falling awkwardly down my cheeks in the crowded play place.

She’s been an inspiration of faith for me. Isn’t it amazing how people we’ve never met can touch our lives from afar? It makes me think what a great responsibility it is just to leave the house every day. We touch other lives just because of our very existences.

Elisabeth lived through so much grief in her life. She lost her husband while on the mission field. For me, the most amazing part about that is she didn’t pack up her child and leave following his gruesome death. She stayed another two years. Just knowing that speaks volumes.

She lived a life for Christ that I long to model. I want to say yes to God in the face of adversity. I want to be content with whatever grief I might face knowing that He works everything together for my good. I want to focus on the eternal reward rather than a world that was never intended to be my home.

I’ve often thought about how I would have loved to meet Elisabeth Elliot, to glean from her wisdom, to feel her heart through the sound of her voice. I thank God for her writings and the beauty of her story.

We’ve been talking about beauty, so I cannot leave you today without telling you how beautiful your story is.

Yes, yours!

The Father has written one for each of us and He longs for all of us to do our part to touch other lives. He puts specific people in our paths just for that purpose.

We may never be called to go on the mission field, write a book, or stand on a large stage and tell our stories, but that doesn’t mean what we’ve been trusted to say and do is worth any less.

Friend, you can live your story with fierce determination for Jesus Christ and the power He has to touch and change others. Over a cup of coffee you can encourage. You can break bread with a group of friends and speak truth to a soul that will forever change the course of eternity. The power of Christ in you gives the ability to love and live with the spirit of freedom and beauty that only comes from His work on the cross.

May we all live a life of grace and truth like Elisabeth Elliot. May we live for Christ no matter the cost, love with hearts wide open, and always be cognizant of the power of influence transferred from our lives to others.

You have a beautiful life and an amazing story!

Go tell it!



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