So it’s December 3rd and things are crazy out there. We navigate life through a tug-of-war known as joy and grief, and all of it is overshadowed by some sense of worry. I watched the news this morning and it was enough to turn my stomach upside down. Even though innocent blood is shed and evil tries to steal this season, hope will still arrive. Through tears, heartache, and sorrow no mother should know, He is coming. There’s not a soul able to steal what God has ordained. No not one.
In the midst of Advent, I’ve been studying events from creation to Christ’s birth by walking through history with the line of Christ. All I can see is hope weaved throughout. From Adam and Eve to Noah, Abraham and down the line we see so much failure, but above it all hope lives. It rises up when there seems to be nothing left. Hope hovers over us with mighty breath, much like the spirit that hovered over the waters in the beginning.
The sin nature, with which we were born, loves to contend with God. However, those of us who choose His hope will rise above mistakes born from the weaknesses of our flesh. We will repent, return, and allow God to form our hearts into what He says they can be – obedient, willing, humble, receivers of hope.
We have a choice. We can choose to obey a God who has a perfect plan – a God who reconciled Himself to us through sending His Son Jesus. He chose hope to come and all we have to do is grab it!
When the world seems dark, the light of our only hope is eternal and will never go dim.
The evil of this world, especially what we are dealing with now, will still hurt us and cause fear to be our greatest temptation. But friends, just like we were born with a sin nature, I believe we were also born with a deep knowing that, indeed, there is a God who exists. We can either fight Him or accept Him. We can choose His hope.
Hope is coming and no one can stop Him.
PS: Today is the last day to enter to win Ann Voskamp‘s book, The Greatest Gift, click here to enter.
So beautifully said. I am a new fan of your writing. Please bravely continue expressing as He guides you. In Jesus we trust. Amen.
Thank you so much. Yes, in Jesus we trust!