by Jennifer | Feb 4, 2016 | Christian, Dreaming, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
For as long as I can remember, I’ve heard a familiar idiom escape the lips of older, wiser people: “The world is going to hell in a hand basket.” It sounds like such grownup terminology, doesn’t it? And the older I get, as I turn on the news...
by Jennifer | Oct 9, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
We’ve already established that God has a plan for each life. There is a calling and purpose for every one of us that leads to using our gifts and being confident in who we are in Jesus. We also know that if we are alive and breathing, we have issues of...
by Jennifer | Jan 27, 2015 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
In the middle of chaos we have a God who pursues us. When tragedy strikes and we think we’ve had all we can endure, we have a God who provides. He brings us new purpose, even in the middle of fire. There is power in His name. We’ve been watching people we...
by Jennifer | Aug 20, 2014 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
I don’t know if it’s the process of grief I’m enduring or the condition of the world, but just about everywhere I look seems to be shadowed with gray. People appear lost. It’s as if they have gone missing inside tragedy and grief. I’ve even felt that way myself. But...
by Jennifer | Jun 23, 2014 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
What are you hoping for in your life? Do you have a desire that you can’t stop thinking about, praying for and holding tight inside the secret place of your heart? Have you ever wondered where that desire originated? Is it from your wants and needs, or was it placed...