I’ve Been Grappling with God…

Hello Friends. I hope this finds you well and that you each had a lovely Thanksgiving. It’s been a while since I’ve written. The days have melted into one another and the drive of the holiday season has sent me into a busy forward motion. My days have been...

Humility or Pride? (Then and Now)

Recently, I’ve been looking back at some older posts. They serve as a journal of sorts. When I was reading I couldn’t help but reflect on all God has done in my heart over the last year. Just last Friday, I wrote about taking ownership of gifts. I...

A Desperate Act…

Yesterday, I published a post titled, When Christian Advice Makes You Sick. I spoke of how our souls need encouragement from others, even when it feels like we are being given a bunch of Christian cliches to bind our wounds. I mentioned that during my 15 year battle...

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