by Jennifer | Jun 5, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
Happy Friday! If you could have been in the room with me as I was taping this vlog you would have probably laughed your head off! (At my tantrum!) The first time I tried to record, my iPad quit working halfway through. I couldn’t use the computer because the...
by Jennifer | Jun 1, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
To share what you create means giving your art a life of its own. It’s allowing something to move you so much that you’re able to give over the secret places of yourself that long to be free. And to do that, you must tackle fear! We often hold ourselves...
by Jennifer | Dec 1, 2014 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
Hello Friends. I hope this finds you well and that you each had a lovely Thanksgiving. It’s been a while since I’ve written. The days have melted into one another and the drive of the holiday season has sent me into a busy forward motion. My days have been...
by Jennifer | Apr 9, 2014 | Christian, Inspirational
Recently, I’ve been looking back at some older posts. They serve as a journal of sorts. When I was reading I couldn’t help but reflect on all God has done in my heart over the last year. Just last Friday, I wrote about taking ownership of gifts. I...
by Jennifer | Mar 20, 2014 | Christian, Dreaming, Hope, Inspirational
Yesterday, I published a post titled, When Christian Advice Makes You Sick. I spoke of how our souls need encouragement from others, even when it feels like we are being given a bunch of Christian cliches to bind our wounds. I mentioned that during my 15 year battle...